A program for children with special needs
Introduction for Kenya
The RNDM Sisters first went to Kenya in 1967 soon after Kenya gained independence from Britain. The Sisters are currently in three Dioceses; Nairobi, Machakos and Meru. The majority of the Sisters are Kenyans with individuals from Myanmar, Vietnam, Peru, Samoa and India. Responding to the priorities of Euphrasie Barbier they reach out to those who are most vulnerable, seeking ways to enable them to live dignified lives.

Region: Africa
Featured Projects: 1
Number of professed Sisters: 33
Project 1: KENYA
Tei Wa Ngai (Mercy of God) is a Program for Children with special needs conducted by the Sisters of Our Lady of The Missions in Matuu, a rural town in Kenya. It has an outreach to ten parishes in the Diocese of Machakos. The majority of clientele are small scale farmers.
The vision of Tei Wa Ngai is that people with disabilities are accepted in the society and are living fully independent and happy lives according to their potential. To encourage and empower parents and society to accept children with disabilities to access health care and education, to provide protection and financial sustainability.
The Sisters together with a group of dedicated Health Workers visit the homes of the children and work in collaboration with other groups. The program runs a physiotherapy clinic in Matuu and some outlying centres. A clinic for those with epilepsy is conducted monthly in collaboration with the Sisters’ dispensary in Matuu. In 2019 the Sisters were gifted with land and hope to build a rehabilitation centre to enable the continuation and expansion of the services.

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