Zeal prevails over everything
Our Foundress

Adele-Euphrasie Barbier
Mother Mary of the Heart of Jesus
4 January 1829 – 18 January 1893
Born in Caen, France
But Euphrasie yearned to be a foreign missionary and she was soon joined by women eager to go beyond country and culture for the sake of Jesus and his liberating Good News. Her desire finally became a reality when, in 1861, she founded the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions in Lyon, France.
Let us love him in joy and thankfulness
Let us love him in recollection and prayer
in studies and work, in rest and activity,
Oh, yes! Let us love him always,
and let us love one another in him.
Euphrasie Barbier, October 1865

Basilica of Notre Dame de Fourviere
Lyon, France

To the ordinary person this title means that we devote ourselves primarily to the foreign missions, under the protection of Our Lady. But for us it has a much deeper meaning. Mission means sending. Angel means sent, so does Apostle. Yet, God is the only one sent. The Father sends the Son, the Son sends the Holy Spirit, but these three persons are inseparable and work in unison for the sanctification of Souls.
14 January 1870
We who are nothing do not have in mind our own poor missions but solely the Mission of the Incarnate Word who was sent by god his Father to redeem the human race and the Mission of the Holy Spirit sent by the Father and the Son to sanctify the Church. This is the reason for the existence of the Institute . . .
22 May 1890
Special thanks to Sister Mary Philippa Reed RNDM for her beautiful book “Euphrasie” which we referred to in writing this brief history.