About Us
Have among yourselves only one heart and one soul
Who we are

Euphrasie Barbier (1829-1893)
Our Foundress

“Here I am, O God, Send me!” Is. 6:8

Our Spirituality
Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions spirituality is based on the Trinity and Mary.
I am doing something new
Care of the Planet
We commit ourselves to the authentic living of our charism in our world today. Fired by the passion and zeal of Euphrasie Barbier, our international missionary identity impels us to live interculturally as witnesses to God’s universal love. As contemplative women, we welcome and participate in the Divine Missions, flowing out into all creation, calling us to the peripheries in response to the cries of Earth and her inhabitants. Transformation and radical action are needed in every sphere of our life.
(See 28th Congregation Chapter, 2020 p.1)