Dear Friends

Christmas 2020 will be a special celebration of gratitude for family and friends as many have been separated for long periods due to COVID restrictions.

On behalf of the Sisters, I pray that the coming of Christ into your hearts and homes will bring much love, joy and peace at Christmas and throughout 2021.

Catherine Brabender RNDM

Province Leader

Barlow, Shelley

Sr Shelley Barlow

Shelley Barlow was born in seaside Mordialloc in 1941 and grew up in Oakleigh Victoria. Shelley taught at her Alma Mater Sacred Heart Girls’ College Oakleigh, but her teaching, parish and motor mission ministry was mostly in WA. Short-term Ministry in the Philippines, Vietnam and Myanmar was a great joy for her. The heightened experiences of interculturality and finding the face of God in the other, have been bright highlights in her life. Currently Province Vicar she also enjoys pursuing her passion for creation spirituality through retreats and book clubs.